Magadh University PhD Entrance Computer Science Syllabus

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Magadh University PhD Entrance Computer Science Syllabus/ PhD Admission Test Computer Science Syllabus: Magadh University PhD Admission Test (PAT) Computer Science Syllabus are written here. Its Syllabus is in PDF Format. All Students who want to Appeare in this PhD Entrance Test can check their PhD Entrance Computer Science Syllabus from here in free.


Magadh University PhD Entrance Computer Science Syllabus


Time: 2 Hours

Full Marks: 100 Marks

Instruction: There shall be two papers each of 10 marks. Paper 1st will contain 40 questions of objecti type each of 2% marks. Paper 2nd will be subjective type containing twenty questions out which candidates will have to answer any questions.
The syllabus for both the papers will be the sa which is as follows:

Information Technology

Information Concepts and Processing: Evoluti of Information, Processing, Data Information Langua and Communication, Data Processing Systems, Eleme of Computer processing System:

  1. Hardware: CPU, Storage Devices and Med VDU, I/O Devices, Printers, Multimedia System Data Communication Equipment.
  2. Software: System Software, Applicati Software:
  3. Programming Languages: Classificati Machine Code, Assembly Language, Higher-le Languages, and Fourth Generation Languages
  4. Data Representation System: ASCII, B EBCDIC, and ASCII, Number System: Bin Decimal, Octal, Hexadecimal.

Operating Systems: Concepts as Resource Manager and Co-coordinator of Processor, Devices and Concept of Priorities, Protection and Memory, Parallelism, Command Interpreter, Typical Commands of DOS, Graphical User Interface- Windows.

Computers and Communications: Single user, Multi-user, Work station, Client-Server Systems, Computer Networks, Network Protocols, LAN, WAN, Internet Facilities through WWW Mosaic, Gopher, E-mail, File Transfer, Voice Video Conferencing.

Range of Application: Scientific, Business, Educational, Industrial, National Level Weather Forecasting, Remote Sensing, Planning and Multilingual Applications.

Programming and Data Structures with ‘C’

OleIntroduction to Algorithms, Flow Charts, Tracking Flow Charts, Decision Tables, Decision Trees, Pseudo Codes, Problem Solving Methods, Need for Computer anguages, Reading Programs written in ‘C’ Language, C character set, Identifiers, Keywords, Data Types Declarations, Expressions, Statements and Symbolic Constants, Input-Output Commands, Preprocessor Commands # include, # define, #ifdef. -ammogls

Preparing and Running a Complete C Program.

Operators and Expressions: Arithmetic, Unary, ogical, Bit-Wise assignment and conditional operators, ibrary Functions Control Statements: while-do, for atatements, nested loops, if-else, switch, break, continue and goto statements, comma operator.

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Whati is the Syllabus of Magadh University PhD Entracne Computer Science Paper-1 Exam?

Magadh University PhD Entrance Paper -1 Exam will be held in General Aptitute having
Paper-1: Multiple choice Questions
Number of questions- 50.
Duration of Examination -2 hours
No negative marking for wrong answers
Examination will be on OMR sheet. Students are not allowed to take the question
booklet with them

What is the Syllabus of Magadh University PhD Entrance Computer Science Paper-II Exam?

Paper- II: Subjective. Duration of Examination- 3 hours. Based on the syllabus of Post-Graduate Courses of the University. The paper will be divided into three Groups.
Group A – 30 Marks 5×6 = 30
Group B – 40 Marks 4×10=40
Group C – 30 Marks 2×15 =30


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