Magadh University PhD Entrance Environmental Science Syllabus

Magadh University PhD Entrance Environmental Science Syllabus / PhD Admission Test Environmental Science Syllabus: Magadh University PhD Admission Test (PAT) Environmental Science Syllabus are written here. Its Syllabus is in PDF Format. All Students who want to Appeare in this PhD Entrance Test can check their PhD Entrance Environmental Science Syllabus from here in free.

Magadh University PhD Entrance Environmental Science Syllabus

Time: 2 Hours

Full Marks: 100 Marks

General awareness (consisting of objective type uestions only) paper setters divide question in 5 sub eadings, each consisting of 20 marks such as o the blanks. Multiple choice, easoning and matching the column A & B Assertion Reasoning Type. This paper will cover General Awareness of the subject as prescribe in Paper – II.


Time: 3 Hours
Full Marks: 100 Marks

This Paper shall be divided into two groups. Group A and Group B. Each group will carry 50 marks and will have 10 Units each and there will be two questions from each Unit. A candidate is required to attempt 5 descriptive type questions selecting atleast two from one group.

Group ‘A’

UNIT-I: Definition, principles and scope of Environmental Science. Introduction of Ecology, Ecosystem. The concept of ecosystem and its noits structural and functional components (biotic and abotic) Energy flow, Biogeochemical cycles (Carbon, Nitrogen, Sulphur and Phoshorus).

Unit II: Aerial adaptations birds, colouration and mimicry in. animals, migration in birds, Biological clock, Origin of life, Fossils, Fossils History of at Man.

Unit – III: Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry – Stoichimetry, Acid-base reactions in water, PH of a solution, Buffer solution, Buffering in water nonto systems, the carbonate system. Solubility prod- uct, Solubility of gases in water, Entropy and to no Gibbs free energy.

Unit IV: Structure and Physico chemical properties of water. Sedimentation, coagulation, filtration and Redox potential. Hydrological cycle concept of DO, BOD and COD. Inorganic and organic components of soil. Nitrogen path ways. NPK in soil, significance of C.N. ratio.

Unit – V : Introduction of microbiology, Roles of microbes in water pollution microbiology. Microbiology of 200 Drinking water treatments. Limnological study of fresh water bodies (Lentic and lotic).

Unit – VI: Environmental biotechnology, application of Genetic Engineering (a) for human welfare and (b) for environmental management.

Unit VIII: Principles of remote sensing and its application in Environmental Sciences. Application of Gls Environmental Management.

Unit – IX: (a) Elementary Statistic, Mean, mode median, central deviation, simple correlation and regression, rank correlate, chi square (x2) test and t-test. (b) Introduction and history of computer. Characteristic of computer, computer application, H9 General computers and evolution of PC.

Unit – X: Principles of analytical methods – Principles and application of Light Microscope and Electron Microscope. Principles and application of calorimeter, spectro photometer, Atomic absorption spectro photo meter, Principles and application neil of gas and liquid chromatography GIC, HPLC, Brevis Flame photometry.

Group: “B”

Unit 1: Particles ions and radicals in atmosphere, Thermo-chemical and photo chemical reactions in gethe eel the atmosphere, Acid rain photo chemical Smog. S༥ T brs Green house effect.

Unit – II: Toxic chemicals in air and water, Bio chemical aspects of Arsenic, Cadmium, Lad, Carbon Monoxide, Ozone and PAN pesticides, MIC, Carcinogens in the air. Istnemotivna

Unit – III: Principles of pollution abatement. Basis and necessity for standards – Non points and points pollution problems. Global, National and Regional aspects of pollution

Unit IV: Pollution abatement with reference to air, shoi water, soil and noise.

Unit – V: Forest and Environment, consérvation and Management of forest, wild life conservation and management Biodiversity and its conservation.

Unit – VI: Conservation and Management of land, soil and water. Biosphere reserves, sanctuaries. National Parks, Conservation Projects (Tiger, Deer, Crocodile). Zoo-geographical regions of the world-their boundaries and climatic conditions. ach Conservation of energy – Renewable and non- renewable energy sources and their conservation.

Unit – VII: Introduction to Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA). Environmental impact statement and Environmental Management of India Impact Assessment methodologies.

Unit – VIII: Sources and generation of solid wastes. their characterization, chemical composition and sinclassification. Different methods of disposal and management of solid wastes.

Unit – IX: Environmental Education and Awareness. Global Environmental problems – ozone depletion.
atr global warning and climate change.

Current Environmental issues in India – Narmada Dam, Tehri Dam, Almetti Dam. Soil Erosion, Rain
water harvesting. Wet land’s conservation.

Unit – X: Strategies in pollution control – International Conferences and International Agencies.

The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and Rules 1986. Recent legislations on Environmental pro- tection in India.

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Whati is the Syllabus of Magadh University PhD Entracne Environmental Science Paper-1 Exam?

General awareness (consisting of objective type uestions only) paper setters divide question in 5 sub eadings, each consisting of 20 marks such as o the blanks. Multiple choice, easoning and matching the column A & B Assertion Reasoning Type. This paper will cover General Awareness of the subject as prescribe in Paper – II.

What is the Syllabus of Magadh University PhD Entrance Environmental Science Paper-II Exam?

Paper- II: Subjective. Duration of Examination- 3 hours. Based on the syllabus of Post-Graduate Courses of the University. The paper will be divided into three Groups.
Group A – 30 Marks 5×6 = 30
Group B – 40 Marks 4×10=40
Group C – 30 Marks 2×15 =30


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