Magadh University PhD Entrance Geography Syllabus

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Magadh University PhD Entrance Geography Syllabus / PhD Admission Test Geography Syllabus: Magadh University PhD Admission Test (PAT) Geography Syllabus are written here. Its Syllabus is in PDF Format. All Students who want to Appeare in this PhD Entrance Test can check their PhD Entrance Geography Syllabus from here in free.


Magadh University PhD Entrance Geography Syllabus

Time: 2 Hours

Full Marks: 100 Marks

A candidate is required to attempt 50 objective type questions from the following Units carrying 2 marks each. There will be atleast 2 questions from each Unit prescribed below.

  1. Interior of the Earth loto medeye aswierig
  2. Isostasy
  3. moja ya sriswbnde
  4. Plate Tectoniche
  5. Karst Topography
  6. Fluvial Topography
  7. Periglacial landscape
  8. Salinity
  9. Ocean Deposits sibat pening to nomulova
  10. Classification of Climate
  11. Weather Forecasting
  12. Indian agriculture and Agro-Industries poloo
  13. Development of Bihar in Perspective of its resources
  14. Contributions of German, French and American School in Geography
  15. Dualism in Geography
  16. Subsistence and commercial farming
  17. Iron & steel industry
  18. Textile industry cotis of belluper lesbibnsa A
  19. Power resources – Petroleum, water and solar
  20. Problem of urbanization in Indian
  21. Study of urban morphology of any city of Bihar
  22. Dharwar system of rocks in India
  23. Gondwana system
  24. Petroleum, Mica – Occurrence distribution and
  25. Population problem and policy
  26. Drainage Basin Morphomentryst
  27. Rejuvenation & concept of grade
  28. Evolution of Peninsular India
  29. Environmental Pollution
  30. Environmental Education and Information w
  31. Ecology and Ecosystem is suliuohips nsibl
  32. Hazards and Ecosystemsnia to inemqoleve
  33. Concept and types of tourism enoitudino vilast open ni logdo
  34. Development of Tourism in India

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Whati is the Syllabus of Magadh University PhD Entracne Geography Paper-1 Exam?

Magadh University PhD Entrance Paper -1 Exam will be held in General Aptitute having
Paper-1: Multiple choice Questions
Number of questions- 50.
Duration of Examination -2 hours
No negative marking for wrong answers
Examination will be on OMR sheet. Students are not allowed to take the question
booklet with them

What is the Syllabus of Magadh University PhD Entrance Geography Paper-II Exam?

Paper- II: Subjective. Duration of Examination- 3 hours. Based on the syllabus of Post-Graduate Courses of the University. The paper will be divided into three Groups.
Group A – 30 Marks 5×6 = 30
Group B – 40 Marks 4×10=40
Group C – 30 Marks 2×15 =30


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