Magadh University PhD Entrance Zoology Syllabus / Paper-1 / Paper-2

Magadh University PhD Entrance Zoology Syllabus / PhD Admission Test Zoology Syllabus: Magadh University PhD Admission Test (PAT) Zoology Syllabus are written here. Its Syllabus is in PDF Format. All Students who want to Appeare in this PhD Entrance Test can check their PhD Entrance Zoology Syllabus from here in free.

Magadh University PhD Entrance Zoology Paper-2 Syllabus

Time: 3 Hours

Full Marks: 100 Marks

It will consist of descriptive type questions 4 questions shall be set from group – A (of which 2 are to be answered) and 6 questions in each of the group – B section (out of which 3 are to answered from any group chosen by the examinee) Each question of both the groups will be of 20 marks.

  1. General organisation of Monera, Protista, Viruses & vinom Eukaryotic animals. Definition and basic concept o alde biosystematics and taxonomy.
  2. Basic events of Biostatistics; correlation, regre quoivasion, Chisquare test and t-test.
  3. Molecular events of fertilization and cell differentiation. spermatogenesis, ovarian follicular growth Mod concept of evolution Neo Darwinism, Speciation
  4. Industrial microbiology, Principles of immunolog biological diversity. microorganism & diseases.
  5. Biomembrane; Biology of cancer and biology aging, permeability, lysogeny & lytic cycle bacteriophages.
  6. Modern informations on DNA including principle a application of recombinant DNA; DNA repair, DM replication, Transcription and Translation, Ger cloning & genetical diseases of man.
  7. Functioning of heart & its regulation; reproductiv excretory and respiratory physiology in hum beings.
  8. Enzymes, enzyme action & inhibition, ener yielding metabolism, role of hormones and vitami ed lliw 2010 in nutrition.
  9. Thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands along with the axinly concerned abnormalities, hypothalmic-pituita control system.
  1. Limiting factors, Basic concept of Ecosystem Ecological succession; population & commun ecology; pollution, & conservation & sustainab 3e1bedevelopment.
  2. Elementary idea of Biotechnology, Animal behavio
    nos Bio-rhythms.notesitatio inave plus.

GROUP – B Entomology Special 60 Marks

  1. Distinctive characters of class insecta & its classification upto suborders/series with suitable examples.
  2. Mouthparts and feeding mechanism.
  3. Structure and function of integument, wing & genitalia.
  4. Digestive, Excretory & Respiratory system & its physiology.
  5. Reproductive organs & receptors.
  6. Hormonal control of reproduction, ecdysis and asria metamorphosis.
  7. Chemical control and Integrated pest management. Insects of medical importance & diseases.
  8. Paddy, Sugarcane, Vegetable & Cotton pests & their management.
  9. Useful insects & their culture technologies.


Group: B Fish Special 60 Marks

  1. Origin and evolution of fishes.
  2. Electric organs & light producing organ of fishes.
  3. Respiration including accessory respiratory organs; Hillstream adaptation in fishes. insportsa
  4. Migration, Parental Care.
  5. Swim bladder and webberian ossicles in Fishe.
  6. Artificial inducement of breeding by hormone Administration.
  7. Pond cultures.
  8. Riverine Fisheries,
  9. Composite fish farming and Advancement Aquacultural trend in India fish diseases and parasites, their therapy and control, Fish processing.Preservation.
  10. Bye-products of fish industry. Larvivorous fishep


Group: B Parasitology Special 60 Marks

  1. Parasitic amoebae and flagellates of man.
  2. Biology, diagnosis, treatment and control (a) Eimeria tenella, (b) Babesia biguina (c) Theilaria parva (c) Ticks and mites.
  3. noitulove bas hone
  4. Culture techniques-advantages and basic problem eerinvolved in vitro-culture.
  5. Morphology, life history, mode of infectio pathogenicity & control of (a) Fasciolopsis bus (b) Dicrocoelium dendriticum (c) Paragonimus wastermani (d) Echinococcus granulosus, (e) Diphyllobothrium latum (f) Wuchereria bacrofti.
  6. Larval forms of trematodes or Cestodes.
  7. Host specificity and Host parasite – Interactions with effect of parasite on host. mols to fabor
  8. Parasitic adaptations with special reference to in- elginfection and transmission.
    Viilidesdong beligns the
  9. ife cycle patterns in Trematodes Cestode, and pub Namatodes, mat emois to noite
  10. Resistance and Immunity with reference to helminthic alamiinfection.
  11. Parasitic crustaceans.

    Magadh University PhD Entrance Zoology Paper-1 Syllabus

    Time: 2 Hours

    Full Marks: 100 Marks

    General awareness (consisting of objective type questions only) Paper setter may divide questions in 5 sub headings, each consisting of 20 marks such as – Fill up the blanks, Multiple choice, True & False, Reasoning and matching the column


    • Multiple choice Questions
    • Number of questions- 50
    • Duration of Examination -2 hours
    • No negative marking for wrong answers
    • Examination will be on OMR sheet. Students are not allowed to take the question booklet with them.
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    अगर किसी को कुछ पूछना है तो Comment Box के Help से पूछ सकते।

    Whati is the Syllabus of Magadh University PhD Entracne Zoology Paper-1 Exam?

    Magadh University PhD Entrance Paper -1 Exam will be held in General Aptitute Bawsed. having Paper-1: Multiple choice Questions Number of questions- 50. Duration of Examination -2 hours No negative marking for wrong answers  Examination will be on OMR sheet. Students are not allowed to take the question
    booklet with them

    What is the Syllabus of Magadh University PhD Entrance Zoology Paper-II Exam?

    Paper- II: Subjective. Duration of Examination- 3 hours. Based on the syllabus of Post-Graduate Courses of the University. The paper will be divided into three Groups.
    Group A – 30 Marks 5×6 = 30
    Group B – 40 Marks 4×10=40
    Group C – 30 Marks 2×15 =30


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