Magadh University PhD Entrance Electronics Syllabus

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Magadh University PhD Entrance Electronics Syllabus / PhD Admission Test Electronics Syllabus: Magadh University PhD Admission Test (PAT) Electronics Syllabus are written here. Its Syllabus is in PDF Format. All Students who want to Appeare in this PhD Entrance Test can check their PhD Entrance Electronics Syllabus from here in free.


Magadh University PhD Entrance Electronics Syllabus


Time: 2 Hours

Full Marks: 100 Marks

long There shall be 50 questions each consisting of two based on the topics prescribed in the syllabus.


Time: 3 Hours
Full Marks: 100 Marks

There shall be 12 (twelve) descriptive questions from the prescribed topics. The candidate shall be required to answer any 5 (five), caddying 20 marks.

Prescribed Topics for Paper I & Paper-II

  1. Mathematical Analysis: Gradient, Divergence & Curl in Cartesian Curvilinear – co-ordinates, Line, Surface and Volume. Integrals, Classical dynamics, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Equations, Postulates of Quantum mechanics, Schrodinger wave equation, MB, BE & FD Statistics. Discrete signal analysis- z transform & its properties, Continuous signal analysis- Fourier transform and its properties. Network theorems – Node and Mesh analysis, Thevenins theorem, Norton’s theorem, Superposition theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem.
  2. Solid-State Physics: Simple crystal structures, Bravais lattices, Miller indices, Crystal – bondings. Free-electron theory of metal, Band theory of solids, Superconductivity – Superconducting materials, BCS theory of superconductivity. Dielectric materials- Piezoelectricity, ferroelectricity. Magnetic materials-theory of magnetism, diamagnetic, para- magnetic and ferromagnetic materials.
  3. Analog Electronics: Physics of semiconductor devices, Theory of PN Junction Zener diode, Tunnel diode, LED, Photodiode, OP-AMP, virtual BJT, JFET, MOS-FET, UJT, SCR, ground, CMRR,Operational amplifier-characteristics and applications Computational applications, Summing amplifier. Integrator, Differentiator. IC Processing, Degre IC fabrications, Introduction to MSI, LSI, VLSI..
  4. Digital Electronics: Number systems, coding systems, Logic families, Boolean algebra, Combinational Circuits and K- Map minimization techniques, Encoders, Decoders, Multiplexers and Demultiplexers. Sequential circuits, Flip- Flops, Synchronous and asynchronous counters, DIA converters-weighted resistor type, Ladder type DACs, A/D converters Comparator type, Successive approximation type, Counter type, dual – slope type. ROM, PROM, EPROM, RAM memories, Static and
    Dynamic memories.
  5. Microprocessor: Organization of microprocessors, organization of microcomputers, Input and output devices, Hardware and Software. 8085 microprocessor architecture, Addressing modes, 8085 Instruction set, 8085 Interrupts, Memory & 1/0 Interfacing, Programmable Peripheral devices, 8086 Microprocessor architecture, addressing modes and interfacing techniques. Programming the 8086. Introduction to 80486 and its instruction set, Fundamentals of Pentium series of microprocessors.
  6. Communication: Maxwell’s equation, Time varying fields, wave equation and its solutions, Poynting vector, ground wave, tropospheric wave and sky wave propagation, Propagation of waves in ionosphere, Half & full wave Antennas, Antenna Arrays, Transmission lines, Impedance matching, Rectangular wave guides, TE & TM modes, Microwave devices Reflex klystron, TWT, Gunn diode, IMPATT & TRAPATT diodes, types of modulation AM, FM, PAM, PWM, PWM, PCM, ASK, FSK, PSK.
  7. Laser & Optical Fibber: Spontaneous and Stimulated emissions, Einstein’s A & B co-efficient, Two & Three level MASER, Population inversion, Optical pumping, Three & Four level laser, Ruby laser, Semiconductor laser,

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Whati is the Syllabus of Magadh University PhD Entracne Electronics Paper-1 Exam?

Magadh University PhD Entrance Paper -1 Exam will be held in General Aptitute having
Paper-1: Multiple choice Questions
Number of questions- 50.
Duration of Examination -2 hours
No negative marking for wrong answers
Examination will be on OMR sheet. Students are not allowed to take the question
booklet with them

What is the Syllabus of Magadh University PhD Entrance Electronics Paper-II Exam?

Paper- II: Subjective. Duration of Examination- 3 hours. Based on the syllabus of Post-Graduate Courses of the University. The paper will be divided into three Groups.
Group A – 30 Marks 5×6 = 30
Group B – 40 Marks 4×10=40
Group C – 30 Marks 2×15 =30


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