JPU BA Gandhian Thoughts New Syllabus / Semester-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

 Study Raw


JPU BA Gandhian Thoughts New Syllabus / CBCS Bachelor of Arts in Gandhian Thoughts Syllabus: Jai Prakash University Download its BA Gandhian Thoughts Syllabus for All Semester (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th Semester). Syllabus Downlaod Link Available below.


Jai Prakash University UG Gandhian Thoughts New Syllabus:

Major Core Courses

SemesterType of SyllabusCredit
Iगांधी जी की जीवन यात्रा जन्म से लेकर 1914 तक6
Iभारत मे गांधी (1915 से 1948)6
IIगांधी के सपनों का भारत5
IIअकदसब्रत एवं सचनात्मक कार्यक्रम4
IIIहिन्द स्वराज एक अवलोकन5
IIIगांधी दर्शन5
IVगांधी का सामाजिक चिंतन5
IVगांधी का आर्थिक चिंतन5
Vशिक्षा संस्कृति और गांधी 5
Vगांधी की राजनीति और विकल्प 4
VIसतरग्रह सिद्धअंत और व्यवहार5
VIसर्वोदय सिद्धांत एवं प्रयोग5
VIIआरोग्य, प्रकृति और गांधी 5
VIIरिसर्च मैथोलॉजी 5
VIIIगांधी के बाद गांधी विचार6
VIIIसमसमयिक चुनौतिया और गांधी का विकल्प4

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JPU BA Gandhian Thoughts CBCS Syllabus:

Minor Core Courses

SemesterType of SyllabusCredit
Iगांधी जी की जीवन यात्रा जन्म से लेकर 1914 तक3
IIभारत मे गांधी (1915 से 1948)3
IIIगांधी के सपनों का भारत3
IVअकदसब्रत एवं सचनात्मक कार्यक्रम3
Vहिन्द स्वराज एक अवलोकन3
Vगांधी दर्शन3
VIगांधी का सामाजिक चिंतन3
VIगांधी का आर्थिक चिंतन3
VIIशिक्षा संस्कृति और गांधी 4
VIIIगांधी की राजनीति और विकल्प 4

JPU UG Gandhian Thoughts Syllabus:


JPU New BA Gandhian Thoughts Syllabus FAQs:

University NameJai Prakash University
Content TitleJPU BA Gandhian Thoughts CBCS Syllabus
Total SemestersSemester-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
If Complete 1st YearCertificate Course
If Complete 2nd YearDiploma Course
If Complete 3rd YearDegree Course
If Complete 4th YearGraduate Course

Jai Prakash University

Bachelor of Arts in Gandhian Thoughts (4-Year)

Syllabus in PDF

JPU BA Gandhian Thought_ Darshan New Syllabus CBCS Semester-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

JPU New UG Gandhian Thoughts Syllabus Download Process:

1Click on the link given in next Section.
2New Window of PDF of BA Gandhian Thoughts Syllabus will be open
3Now Open the Syllabus and Download it in PDF

JPU New UG Gandhian Thoughts 1st Semester Syllabus

MJC (Gandhian Thoughts) 1st SemClick_Here
MIC (Gandhian Thoughts) 1st SemClick_Here
MDC (Gandhian Thoughts) 1st SemClick_Here
AEC (Gandhian Thoughts) 1st SemClick_Here
SEC (Gandhian Thoughts) 1st SemClick_Here
VAC (Gandhian Thoughts) 1st SemClick_Here

JPU New UG Gandhian Thoughts 2nd Semester Syllabus

MJC (Gandhian Thoughts) 2nd SemClick_Here
MIC (Gandhian Thoughts) 2nd SemClick_Here
MDC (Gandhian Thoughts) 2nd SemClick_Here
AEC (Gandhian Thoughts) 2nd SemClick_Here
SEC (Gandhian Thoughts) 2nd SemClick_Here
VAC (Gandhian Thoughts) 2nd SemClick_Here

JPU New UG Gandhian Thoughts 3rd Semester Syllabus

MJC (Gandhian Thoughts) 3rd SemClick_Here
MIC (Gandhian Thoughts) 3rd SemClick_Here
MDC (Gandhian Thoughts) 3rd SemClick_Here
AEC (Gandhian Thoughts) 3rd SemClick_Here
SEC (Gandhian Thoughts) 3rd SemClick_Here

JPU New UG Gandhian Thoughts 4th Semester Syllabus

MJC (Gandhian Thoughts) 4th SemClick_Here
MIC (Gandhian Thoughts) 4th SemClick_Here
AEC (Gandhian Thoughts) 4th SemClick_Here

JPU New UG Gandhian Thoughts 5th Semester Syllabus

MJC (Gandhian Thoughts) 5th SemClick_Here
MIC (Gandhian Thoughts) 5th SemClick_Here
VAC (Gandhian Thoughts) 5th SemClick_Here

JPU New UG Gandhian Thoughts 6th Semester Syllabus

MJC (Gandhian Thoughts) 6th SemClick_Here
MIC (Gandhian Thoughts) 6th SemClick_Here

JPU New UG Gandhian Thoughts 7th Semester Syllabus

MJC (Gandhian Thoughts) 7th SemClick_Here
MIC (Gandhian Thoughts) 7th SemClick_Here

JPU New UG Gandhian Thoughts 8th Semester Syllabus

MJC (Gandhian Thoughts) 8th SemClick_Here
MIC (Gandhian Thoughts) 8th SemClick_Here
VAC (Gandhian Thoughts) 8th SemClick_Here

JPU New UG Gandhian Thoughts Syllabus Download Link

JPU BA Gandhian Thoughts Syllabus (CBCS)Click Here
JPU (BA / BSc / BCom) SyllabusClick Here
JP University Other UpdateClick Here

JPU BA Gandhian Thoughts New Syllabus FAQs

How to Download JPU New BA Gandhian Thoughts Syllabus Semester-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8?

Students follow the steps to Download JPU BA Gandhian Thoughts Syllabus.
Step-1 “Download Study Raw App” from Playstore.
Step-2 Open that App and to go “Syllabus Menu”
Step-3 Now Select Your University Syllabus button to Download Syllabus.

How many type of Certificate provided to Complete JPU BA Gandhian Thoughts?

There are total 4 Degrees provided after completing the this JPU Bachelors with Gandhian Thoughts Subject. In 1st Year of BA Gandhian Thoughts you get Certificate, In 2nd Year of BA Bhujpuri you get Diploma, After 3 Year of their BA Gandhian Thoughts students will get Degree Certificate and then After Completing 4th Year of BA Gandhian Thoughts studetns get Full Time Bachelor’s Degree with Gandhian Thoughts.


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